So, it has been months since I've written a post & over a year since I posted regularly. I know it is the ease of facebook that has interrupted me, but I have this feeling that facebook will someday lose it's excitement, and I will have wasted time there when I could have been posting here instead. I've mentioned many times how much I enjoy looking through my archives - it is exactly like a journal, showing me where I (we) have been, how things have changed, and how time just keeps marching on.
Right now, we are mid-summer - which for us means lots of POOL days :) We aren't camping near as much this has either been rainy (spring) or hot HOT hot, so we've done some other fun things instead. One of the family faves was a water park - the kids are all (almost) big enough to enjoy all of the rides there. We went for Zander's birthday, and he was LOVING it. He is still so short, but there he was just a 1/2 in above the requirement for the big slide you can ride on the tubes. He had the best birthday ever :)
The kids are all growing up so much, I think I will dedicate the next few posts to share a little about each of them - it will be fun to think over each of them & find a picture to share. I know that i will enjoy having the posts to look back on too! Kaden is now 11, Ellie is 9, Zander is 7 & Ava is 4 - everyone but Zander has a fall b-day coming up though, so all of those ages will be changing here in the next 3-4 mths! Times goes by so quickly....