First, let me say that I would never have dreamed that I would be writing this post.
I have always wanted a quilt made from some of my kids baby things, and figured one day I might pay to have one made with the teeny little things I had been saving. I imagined my kids looking at the quilt as adults and smiling at how tiny they once were, and being happy that I cared enough to save these things through the years. Never once did I think I was able to make it myself :)
After my Dad had passed away, one of my Mom's best friends (so close growing up that I called her an aunt) sent me the book "Chicken Soup for the Grieving Soul". I found so much comfort in those stories...stories of loss AND overcoming.
Many of the stories told of how they were able to heal, and one of them mentioned a quilt made from the clothing of their loved one called a memory quilt. Immediately I knew I had to try it! I did not get much of my Dad's favorite clothes like I had hoped (looong story) so I was worried about how I could use the ones I had & make it special. Then I had the idea to add in fabrics that represented my Dad and the things he loved.
It took me only a few days start to finish. Yes, it was ALL I did for those days. I was so focused on the process & I know it was so healing for me to handle all of that fabric, all of which reminding me of him. I am SO happy with it, and it gets alot of use around here :) It is the perfect size & is backed with a very soft flannel.
You can see some of the many things in the above pic... music, fishing, pool, bowling, the Browns, gardening, purple velvet for his love of Crown Royal, two pink squares for each of his 2 girls, hawaiian print for his shirts, and most of the plain fabric is his old t-shirts. The pictures are also special - one is taken at work, one on his boat, one is 4 wheeling in his jeep & then there are the M&M's because he would always bring the kids some when he would visit. Love it.
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