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Make and Takes

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August 27, 2008



Poor baby! At least it is the end of the summer, right? And, there is a waterproof sleeve that you can put over it to allow you to go in the pool/water... just so you know!


Oh gosh, poor Zander. He does look fairly miserable.

But what a rockin' cast dude!

I bet their teacher is going to think that she'll have her hands full with those two.


Oh maaaaan! :( His poor little lip! And wrist too. But what a cool blue cast! ;)


Two in casts. Oy! Their poor teacher. That is an awesome cast, though.

And that lip! Oh my goodness.

Patience and strength to you, Angi.


Oh no! Bless his heart! At least he won't be alone at school. He and his cast-buddy will have lots to talk about. :D

PS You have digi-kits? How did I miss that?

the mrs.

Poor little guy! That lip looks painful and casts are no fun at all. Big hugs to Zander!

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