Who me? The girl who has turned her blog into a "can I whine about my boob AGAIN" blog?
I was forced to smile a BIG cheesy grin last night when I stopped over on Fishy Girl's blog for the first time in quite a few days (obviously, since I missed the shout-out). Her blog is a regular read for me, but since I have been feeling yucky I have not been spending my usual time on-line. I've prefered the couch :)
But anyway, she chose me as one of her five to get the Rockin' Girl Blogger award/button!
And she wrote some sweet little things about me which made my day. I enjoy her blog so much. She is so real, and she shares the emotional/tough sides of things that others hold back. She inspires me with her strength & honesty. Her life & mine feel so similar in many ways, we each have four kids & the last of which were even born on the same day. I am convinced that her strong "you can do it" attitude on breast feeding rubbed off on me & I am SOOOO glad it did!
Thanks Fishy Girl, and stayed tuned for my five very soon!
I have alot to share, but time has passed me by this morning & I have to run. I'll post about Zander's upcoming party this weekend & how I can not find the theme he wants, and all about my BIG Ava girl, and I have some new pictures to post, and I have completely missed my VBA this year, and so much more....
Oh! And I woke up to the MAJOR pain again!? I was extremely engorged (she had fed off the opposite side last night before bed), so I guess I'll have to pump through the night for a few nights because being not so full seems to really help ALOT *sigh*
Whoo whoo! Rock'on Angi! Rock on!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Suzannie | July 13, 2007 at 03:49 PM
Of COURSE you rock! Now, about that breast - yes. Pump, nurse, whatever. Clean it out - it makes a big difference. I hope you feel better soon, dearie.
Posted by: FishyGirl | July 13, 2007 at 05:03 PM
And just so you know, my breasts hurt just thinking about yours. Hope you feel better soon!
Posted by: Heather | July 13, 2007 at 08:09 PM
I think you rock too. And keep that booby empty!
Posted by: meghann | July 13, 2007 at 09:32 PM