When I was pregnant with Ava, I really hoped that breastfeeding would work out for us. I read alot (again) and was very inspired by stories of other Mom's that BF successfully. I wanted to give it my all, I wanted to for myself & for my last baby.
It was not an easy start (as I see now, it never is though) I supplemented when I felt unsure about the amount she was getting, or to ease my fears about her jaundice early on. I pumped & gave her bottles at times when I was too sore. Then, one day I realized I had not given her a bottle in a few DAYS. I realized that I was EBF (exclusively breast feeding) my daughter! I was SO proud that I could give her all that she needed. It felt silly to me that I ever doubted that. I felt like I had overcome a huge hurdle in BF. I could trust my body (once again) to do what it needed to do.
I am still BF her now at almost 7 months. I am amazed everyday when I really think about it. I am very proud of myself for giving it all I could. I am proud that I do not doubt myself anymore. I am proud that I keep seeing her grow bigger & stronger, and I delight in her smiles as she nurses.
When things started going well, I thought 6 months was a good goal. With 6 months come & gone, I see no end in sight. I have people ask me "are you STILL nursing??" and I just proudly smile and say "I sure am, and I love it". I talk to anyone that will listen (especially preggo Mommas) about how great BF is for me & how important it is to give it a GOOD try.
Thank you to all of those BF Mommas out there that have shared your insights/stories/encouragement with me. I hope that I can help at least ONE Mother think things through & make the choice to try it too.
Yay! So happy to hear you are doing so well :)
I remember how crazy those beginning days were breastfeeding my 1st. I remember worrying b/c of all the crying and not exactly knowing how much she was getting. I remember worrying b/c I would try to pump and not even get an ounce! But God has made a miraculous thing in that relationship and it just works.
And I know what you mean...I really didn't think about how long I would BF...thinking 3 months was good. When 3 months came along...just thought I'd hand in there until 6 mths. Then 6 months came along and the 'end' just keep getting pushed back lol.
w/my 2nd girl right now she's still nursing and she was 2 in February...yeah, NEVER thought I would go past a year...but it's weird to 'cut them off'. I feel like, hey...if they 'need' cow's milk...mom's milk can only be better. Though they do drink cow's milk too lol.
Keep it up!
karen (Hom74)
Posted by: karen | June 06, 2007 at 12:45 PM
Yippee! BF is not an easy task as I stupidly thought it would be. I nursed all of my 3 kiddos but #3 has been the best experience. 13 months and going strong!!! I also get the comments but cannot stop something I worked so hard to achieve, right?
Congratulations to you and to Miss Ava! TERRIFIC JOB!!!
~ Jenny
Posted by: Jenny | June 06, 2007 at 06:19 PM
YOU GO GIRL! I'm so proud of you and Ava!!!! Keep it up, Angi! I'm so proud of you!
Posted by: Gina | June 06, 2007 at 10:35 PM
I really can't believe myself that I've been BF for 7mo!
I totally relate with what you feel.
Congratulations mama! We've come so far, it's amazing.
Hope you're doing great, having fun with your family.
Posted by: Adriana | June 11, 2007 at 12:37 AM
1. Congratulations!
2. Thanks for the shout out.
3. I have a confession to make. With my first, I was a neurotic mess pretty much the whole 8.5 months she nursed. I had a notebook, which I still have, where I recorded Every. Single. Feeding. How long she nursed, what side she nursed on. Plus all the wet and dirty diapers. I drove myself nuts. It was a far different experience nursing with #3 and now with Nemo. So so much more enjoyable. Congratulations to you and all those moms who persevere through all the tough stuff.
Posted by: FishyGirl | June 11, 2007 at 08:16 PM
Finally delurking...I found your blog from a post at BabyCenter. My son was due in November as well although he decided to take his sweet time and arrive in December instead :)
I've checked your blog daily since way back before Ava was born. I love reading about your family and all your adventures.
Just wanted to congratulate you on your successful breastfeeding experience. I struggled nursing my first child but have had a great experience with my December baby. You are to be commended for sticking it out.
Posted by: Kelly | June 11, 2007 at 11:34 PM